Ever since the Supreme Court gutted the VRA like a fish by abolishing Section 4 as outdated (despite the overwhelming evidence that it is still valid SINCE the decision was announced), many commentators have said it is impossible to create a new Section 4 due to political inertia and partisan division. That's probably true, if it was simply a list. Red state (Republican) legislators don't want to recognize their states as still being bigoted, and blue state legislators (mostly, but not all Democrats) don't want to list their own states, like Pennsylvania, for trying to institute discriminatory Voter ID laws.
I'd like to suggest a rule that's really a rule, and not a list of jurisdictions. Under the previous Section 4, a jurisdiction (city, county or state) that had been placed on the Section 4 map could be delisted by demonstrating a clean voting history for ten years. let's just carry that rule forward. Rules below the orange squiggly.